1.芝加哥大学经济学博士(PhD in Economics)
All applicants are required to submit valid GRE score reports from the last five years regardless of previous degrees, education, or professional background.
GRE 5年内的成绩均可以申请,不论学历、学位或教育背景。
即no minimums(没有最低分数要求)。
2.芝加哥大学计算机硕士(Masters Program in Computer Science)
What we are most interested in is the applicant's research potential. These scores are just one of many criteria we consider. There are no minimum scores. We much prefer students who have taken challenging advanced courses to those with top scores on rudimentary courses. There are many ways for applicants to demonstrate their research potential.
即no minimums(没有最低分数要求)。
3.芝加哥大学计算机博士(Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science)
What we are most interested in is the applicant's research potential. These scores are just one of many criteria we consider. There are no minimum scores. We much prefer students who have taken challenging advanced courses to those with top scores on rudimentary courses. There are many ways for applicants to demonstrate their research potential.
即no minimums(没有最低分数要求)。
4.芝加哥大学社会工作硕士(School of Social Service Administration)
We do not require GRE score。
即no minimums(没有最低分数要求)。
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