1. 土木工程硕士专业(Master of Engineering/Master of Science in Civil Engineering)对GRE成绩要求
官网申请信息显示:GRE is required即
土木工程硕士专业研究生的GRE考试成绩要求是,no minimums(没有最低分数要求)。
2. 咨询心理学硕士专业(MA in School Psychology) 对GRE成绩要求
官网申请信息显示:GRE General test scores required of all applicants except Tufts undergraduates and art education candidates.即
咨询心理学硕士专业研究生的GRE考试成绩要求是,no minimums(没有最低分数要求)。
3. 经济学硕士专业(Master of Science program in Economics) 对GRE成绩要求
官网申请信息显示:Of the students accepted for Fall admission, the average GPA is 3.58; the average Verbal GRE score is 158; and the average Quantitative GRE score is 166.即
4. 国际关系硕士专业(Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy) 对GRE成绩要求
官网申请信息显示:The Admissions Committee does not have a minimum requirement for GRE or GMAT test scores. In recent years the middle 50% GRE verbal score has been in the 77th - 96th percentile range, the middle 50% GRE quantitative score in the 61st - 84th percentile range, and the middle 50% GRE analytical writing in the 49th - 92nd percentile range. For the GMAT, the middle 50% has been in the 73rd - 92nd percentile range.即
以上是一诺留学小编给大家介绍的内容,希望可以帮助到同学们,同学们如果还有任何关于出国留学考试的问题,可以拨打一诺留学的免费热线400-003-6508或者010-62680991进行咨询,或者点击一诺留学官方网站http://www.yinuoedu.net/页面的“在线咨询”与一诺留学专家直接对话。微信订阅号:留学圈 (微信帐号:yinuoliuxue )
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