Exhaustion: extreme weariness Exhaustive: covering all possibilities
Exonerate: 证明无罪 Exorable:可说服的,心软的
Fortuitous: accidental Fortitude: strength
Forfeit: 丧失 Surfeit:饮食过度
Fomentation:煽动,助长 Fermentation:发酵
Flounder: proceed clumsily Founder: collapse
Fractious: 易怒的,好争吵的, hard to handle or control Fractional:部分的,碎片的 Factious: 有派性的 Factitious:人为的,不真实的 Facetious:轻浮的
Fetid: having an offensive smell stinking Fetish: 神物
Fantasy: imaginative fiction Fascinate: be irresistibly attractive
Flush: to pour liquid over or through Fluster: upset
Gouge: 半圆凿,敲竹杠 Gauche:笨拙的,不会社交的 Gauge:标准尺寸
Gravel:碎石 Grovel:摇尾乞怜的 Gavel:a mallet used for commanding attention Grove: a small wood
Grate: to grind or rub against with a rasping noise Grateful thankful; pleasing Gratify: to afford pleasure to Gratis: without charge or recompense Gratuitous: free charge; unwarranted Gratitude: thankfulness
Gamble: 赌博,投机 Gable:山墙 Gambol:跳跃,嬉戏 Gobble: to swallow or eat greedily
Gall: vex, harass Gulled: deceive Guile: duplicity Guilt: 罪
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