
时间:2016-05-31 17:07:07  / 编辑:liliang



  1. Powers of Numbers (乘方):这种求n个相同因数的积的运算,叫做乘方,乘方的结果叫做幂。在an 中,a叫做底数,n叫做指数,an读作a的n次方。an看作是a的n次方的结果时,也可读作a的n次幂。二次方也叫平方,三次方也叫立方。


  2. Roots of Numbers (开方):一般地,如果一个数的平方等于a,这个数就叫做a的平方根(也叫做二次 方根),换句话说,如果x2=a,则x就叫做a的平方根。











  三、Exponents,Roots and Real Number Line(幂、方根与实数轴)

  1. Exponents and the Real Number Line(幂和实数轴)

  Raising numbers to powers can have surprising effects on the size and/or sign (negative vs. positive) of the base number. This is one of the test-makers’ favorite areas! The impact of raising a number to an exponent (power) depends on the region on the number line where the number and exponent fall. Here are the four regions you need to consider:

  (1) Less than —1 (to the left of —1 on the number line)

  (2) Between —1 and 0

  (3) Between 0 and 1

  (4) Greater than 1 (to the right of 1 on the number line)

  2. Roots and the Real Number Line (平方根及实数轴)

  As with exponents, the root of a number can bear a surprising relationship to the size and/or sign (negative vs. positive ) of the number (another favorite area of the test-makers). Here are our observations you should remember.

  (1) If n>1, then




  (the higher the roots, the lower the value). However, if n lies between 0 and 1,then




  (the higher the root, the higher the value).

  (2) The square root of any negative number is an imaginary number(虚数),not a real number. Remember: you won’t encounter imaginary numbers on the GRE.

  (3) Every positive number has two square roots: a negative number and a positive number (with the same absolute value ). The same holds true for all other even-numbered roots of positive numbers.

  (4) Every negative number has exactly one cube root,and that root is a negative number. The same holds true for all other odd-numbered roots of negative numbers.

  (5) Every positive number has only one cube root, and that root is always a positive number. The same holds true for all other odd-numbered roots of positive numbers.

  四、The Operation Rule of Radicals(根式的运算法则)

  1. Combining Radicals (根式的合并)

  (1) Addition and Subtraction(加法与减法):If a term under a radical is being added to or subtracted from a term under a different radical,you cannot combine the two terms under the same radical.(注:根式相加减时,不能把不同根式下的数直接相加减。)

  (2) Multiplication and Division(乘法与除法):Terms under different radicals can be combined under a common radical if one term is multiplied or divided by the other, but only if the root is the same.(注:仅当两根式的幂指数相同时,才能把它们的根式的下面的数相乘除。)

  2. Simplifying Radicals (化简根式):

  On the GRE, always look for the possibility of simplifying radicals by moving part of what’s inside the radical to the outside. Check inside your square-root radicals for factors that are squares of nice tidy numbers (especially integers).

  注:在GRE考试中,如根式下面有可提取到根式外面去的因子,一定要把该因子提到根式的外面去,若 分母上有根式时,一般要先把分母上的根式约去,这样可以使运算的步骤大为简化。


  If —1





  (C) equals 1 (any non-zero term raised to the power of zero equals 1)

  (D) is a positive number between 0 and 1

  (A) is a positive number between 0 and |x| , which is the value of (D)

  (B) is a negative non-integer between 0 and x

  (E) is a negative number less than (to the left of ) —1

  以上就是小编为大家介绍的GRE数学知识点之数的乘方及开方,同学们如果还有任何关于出国留学的问题,可以拨打一诺留学的免费热线400-003-6508或者010-62680991进行咨询,或者点击一诺留学官方网站页面的“在线咨询”与一诺留学专家直接对话。微信订阅号:留学圈 (微信帐号:yinuoliuxue )

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